
World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of May 21Monday and Tuesday
Bring independent reading books to class
Independent reading book project
World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of May 14Wednesday
Homer vocabulary

Performance of Iliad in class (Be sure to have learned your lines and have any props or scenery prepared by the beginning of class.)
World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of May 7

Works Cited Revision
Plan for Essay
Poem and Illustration (Project for Holocaust readings)
World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of April 30
Holocaust vocabulary
Holocaust Web site ( typed, MLA format, annotation describing the purpose of the sight and the information you found useful)

World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of April 23Monday
Honors:  Final Date of Book Projects
All:  Community Challenge Essay

World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of April 16
Honors:  Book Projects

Honors:  Book Notes
Read Infernon excerpts (see tab on this blog)
Inferno Vocabulary

World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of April 2Monday

Read Faust excerpts

Faust vocabulary
Faust presentations

World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of March 26
Ibsen vocabulary
Book notes (honors classes)
Introduction and conclusion to community challenge essay
Works Cited page

World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of March 19
Complete discussion of haiku and tanka, write a poem based on journal notes
Plan community service essay by identifying a viewpoit, stating a thesis, and planning paragraphs
Assessment on Oedipus, Zen parables, and haiku and tanka
Read A Doll's House by Henrik IbsenFriday
Honors:  Book check on independent reading book

World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of March 12
All:  Cause-and-Effect essay
All:  All notes for community challenge essay

World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of March 5
Honors:  Bring independent reading book.
All overdue work must be handed in.
End of marking period
All:  Read Zen parables (posted to blog).

World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of February 27
Honors:  Final date to submit summer reading work. Maximum grade:  75%.
Test on "Gilgamesh" and "Sundiata"
Test on word roots
Honors:  Notes and illustrations on Things Fall Apart to complete the project.  Note that this is a group project and that the grade will reflect the work of the group as a whole.  It is incumbent on each of you to complete the work and do right by the members of your group.  Hold yourselves and each other accountable.
Honors:  The author and title of a work of literature by a writer who is neither American nor British for your second independent reading book.  After I have approved your selection, you may begin reading.  You will keep a reader's notebook that will identify the characters, setting, plot summaries, and your thoughts and questions about the book.  You will identify unfamiliar vocabulary and define those words as you read.  You will bring the book to class every day next week.

World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of February 20
Read Oedipus
Reminiscence essays
Revised reminiscence essays
Honors:  Things Fall Apart illustratations and notes through chapter 19.  Complete reading the novel by this date.

World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of February 13
Read "Sundiata."  Be sure to summaries the epic by listing key events from each of the two sections.  Be prepared to talk and write about the story on Monday.  Your typed draft  of your definition essay will be due on Monday.
Revised versions of the definition essay are due.
Honors:  Students will hand in notes for the first part of the book (chapters 1 to 13).  Illustrations and summaries for this section will also be due.  Students will have read up to the end of the second section.  Be prepared to discuss and write about part 2.

World Literature II Schedule of Assignments, Week of February 6Reminders:
No food is allowed in classrooms.
All phones and other electronic devices must be put away for the duration of class.
Tardy students will be required to report to ISS for the entire period.
All assignments will be due at the beginning of class.
Honors and Standard
Be prepared to answer questions 1 through 9 on page 33.  (You do not have to do this as homework but should be aware that you will be answering these questions.)
Answers to these questions:
Why does Okonkwo become so irritable at the festival?
What does Okonkwo’s treatment of his third wife and the villagers’ response to it say about the role of women in Igbo society?  Can you connect this part of the story with any other story you have read?

Honors and Standard
Complete  reading comprehension questions based on reading of pages 6 through 15 of text.
Grammar book exercises on adjectives.

Honors and Standard
Final revisions to “pride” essay.

Honors and Standard
Groups complete and hand in illustrated timeline of Gilgamesh for a project grade.
Read selections from Genesis (pp. 38 through 50).

Note to Honors Students
Things Fall Apart reading schedule
Chapter 13 (end of part I) by 2/10
Chapters 14 through 19 (Part II) by 2/17
Chaptesr 20 through 25 (Part III) by 2/24
World Literature 2 Schedule of Homework Assignments, January 31 to February 6, 2012

Tuesday, January 31
Read the “Battle of Humbaba,” pages 19 through 22, and identify five key details from this section.  List the in your notes and be prepared to discuss them in class.

Wednesday, February 1
Read “The Death of Enkidu,” pages 23 and 24, and identify three key details from this section.  List them in your notes and be prepared to discuss them in class.  Also, answer questions 1 through 8 to hand in.

Thursday, February 2
Read “The Story of the Flood,” pages  through 29, and identify five key details from this section.  List them in your notes and be prepared to discuss them in class.

Friday, February 3
Read “The Return,” pages 30 through 32, and identify key details from this section .  (You decide how many are key!)  List them in  your notes and be prepared to discuss them in class.

Monday, February 6
Be prepared to answer questions 1 through 9 on page 33 in class.

Next week you will use your notes to work in small groups and 1) decide which details are essential to the story and 2) create an illustrated timeline similar in format to the one on pages 4 and 5 of the text to summarize the beginning, middle, and end of the story while conveying its heroic nature and themes.

Honors Students
Continue summarizing the chapters of Achebe’s novel by renaming the chapters, citing the reason for your choice of title, and providing a quote that supports your reason.   Complete up to Chapter 12 by Friday, February 10.
Please answer the following question by Monday, February 6:
Why does Okonkwo become so irritable at the festival?
What does Okonkwo’s treatment of his third wife and the villagers’ response to it say about the role of women in Igbo society?  Can you connect this part of the story with any other story you have read?